Indonesian films released december 2012 story of a girl (laisa) the eldest of five brothers who tried to live his life with all its flaws and have to feed their families by working hard in his village.
The girl changed her into oil fields didesa strowberi. The story of this drama continued when his brother (Dalimunte) must precede marriage and his brother, while his brother was innocent and busy to find a mate for her sister (laisa).
In the course of the story laisa acquainted with a young man (Dharma) that no other bleary-eyed friend Dalimunte. Introducing The cultivate love for the both of them but unfortunately Dharma is married and does not have any offspring. By the day of his marriage laisa and Dharma Dharma wife unexpectedly pregnant and laisa feel cheated by the Dharma.
Starring Nirina Zubair, Nino Fernandez, Nadine Candrawinata and others.

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